Friends of LLELA Membership 2025

Become a Friends of LLELA member today for only $25!


Your $25 annual membership directly advances the Friends of LLELA’s Mission to support LLELA through hosting community events, funding research and restoration projects, and raising awareness of LLELA as an asset to the community.  Join here!

Additionally, membership earns you a members-only invitation to two field trips per year for behind-the-scenes tours of other metroplex environmental centers.

We set our membership fee at a low $25 per year so that everyone can become involved with Friends of LLELA. If you’d like to contribute more, please enter additional amounts in the “Add a donation for Friends of LLELA” box on this page.

Ready to make a difference? Start your journey by becoming a member now!–2025/

Please note: The Friends of LLELA’s use of Zeffy is at no cost to us. Instead, please consider making a voluntary contribution to Zeffy at checkout. You may pay their default/suggested amount or change the amount by selecting “Other” in the dropdown menu.