Projects by the day
Come and help to fight the battle to keep the physical part of LLELA under control. There is a
special activity for everyday of the week. The Workdays are pretty much always 9 am to 12 pm.
Heavier physical work, just about anywhere on the property. Brush clearing, trail building and repair, occasional odd jobs like repairing equipment or building things, removing junk from the property
Trail Crew
Regular walking of the trails, picking up trash, trimming overhanging branches or encroaching vegetation along the trails, occasional herbicide use, coordinate with the COL maintenance personnel for larger problems like fallen trees, wash outs, etc.
Work Crew
Work around the nursery or to do with native plants, starting seeds or root stock, general maintenance of the area, transplanting/weeding potted seedlings, harvesting and sorting seeds, rescuing plants on and off site, planting in restoration areas.
Invasive plant removal, mostly Chinese privet, but we do go after other things, European cabbage, Brazilian vervain, Johnson grass. Often requires more physical effort or use of herbicides
Free For all
Could be anything, show up and Richard will put you to work.
To get involved, contact Restoration Manager Richard Freiheit at